Academic/Professional Probation

Students on Academic and/or Professional Probation may not be allowed to progress to the Clinical Phase to begin Student Clinical Practice Experiences (SCPEs). Students must meet all requirements to progress to the Clinical Phase.

The SPC has the authority to remove a student from academic and/or professional probation so that the student can progress to the clinical phase and graduation.

Students must meet all Summative Evaluation requirements listed below and not be on Academic and/or Professional Probation to be eligible for graduation.

  • Demonstrate compliance with all LMU and Program policies and procedures (including maintenance of Technical Standards for Enrollment and Progression found in the LMU-Harrogate PA Program Student Handbook).
  • Demonstrate professional conduct or successfully remediate professional conduct deficits that have been identified
  • Demonstrate successful achievement of Program Graduate Competencies
  • Pass all remediation assessments
  • Fulfill all financial obligations to LMU

Students on Academic and/or Professional Probation cannot progress to Graduation. The SPC has the authority to delay progression to Graduation for those who have not met all requirements and competencies of the Program. Only the SPC has the authority to remove a student from academic and/or professional probation so that the student can progress to graduation.

At the end of each semester, and as needed, the SPC convenes to review student performance (academic and non-academic) and either approve students for progression in the Program or make an alternate recommendation. Students must meet all requirements for completion of the Didactic Phase, the Clinical Phase, and all Summative Evaluations to successfully complete the Program. Students must successfully complete the Program and demonstrate fulfillment of all financial obligations to LMU to be eligible for graduation.