PA Program Learning Outcomes and Graduate Competencies

Upon completion of the LMU PA program in Harrogate, graduates will have proven competency in areas of medical knowledge, interpersonal communication skills, clinical reasoning and problem-solving abilities, clinical and technical skills, and professional behaviors required for entry into PA practice:

Medical Knowledge:

  1. Demonstrate the ability to access, evaluate, and assimilate current medical research
  2. Compose a medical research paper utilizing accepted standards for medical writing
  3. Identify normal and abnormal findings on patient history and physical examination
  4. Identify medical conditions based on etiologies, risk factors, pathology, and epidemiology
  5. Manage medical, psychiatric, and surgical conditions using pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic modes of treatment

Clinical Reasoning and Problem-Solving:

  1. Provide appropriate counseling regarding specific medical conditions
  2. Recommend appropriate preventive screening and preventative care measures
  3. Develop a complete patient-centered treatment plan based upon the patients’ medical conditions
  4. Recommend appropriate pharmaceutical management for patients’ medical conditions
  5. Correctly select and interpret laboratory tests and diagnostic study findings
  6. Integrate clinical findings with diagnostic study data to formulate differential diagnoses

Clinical and Technical Skills:

  1. Obtain the appropriate elements of focused and comprehensive patient histories
  2. Obtain the appropriate elements of and properly perform physical examinations
  3. Properly perform specific minor medical and surgical procedures

Interpersonal Communication Skills:

  1. Appropriately document-focused and comprehensive patient histories and physical examination findings
  2. Clearly communicate pertinent patient information in oral presentations and multiple types of note formats
  3. Clearly communicate patient treatment plans and preventative care recommendations
  4. Demonstrate appropriate body language and active listening skills during interactions


  1. Demonstrate sensitivity, respect, and responsiveness to patient diversity
  2. Demonstrate professionalism in interaction


  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the following procedures on simulation devices and/or human subjects:
    • Airway management 

    • Universal precautions as they pertain to patient care and OSHA requirements 

    • Injection administration 

    • Sterile technique 

    • Identification of common surgical instruments 

    • Tympanic membrane foreign body removal, including cerumen 

    • Insertion of urinary and nasogastric catheters 

  2. Demonstrate proficiency in performing the following procedures on simulation devices and/or human subjects:
    • Surgical scrubbing, gowning, and gloving 

    • Venipuncture and intravenous catheterization 

    • Administration of local anesthesia 

    • Laceration repair 

    • Abscess incision and drainage 

    • Skin lesion biopsy 

    • Intra-articular injections 

    • Orthopedic splinting and bracing