Academic Conduct Policy/Examination Honor Code

The Program seeks to create an environment of academic excellence conducive to student learning. This requires students to take personal responsibility for their learning and mastery of the knowledge and skills necessary to provide safe and effective patient care and for excellence in professional practice. This also requires students to complete all work with academic integrity, recognize the limits of their current knowledge, and pursue life-long learning. Academic misconduct undermines the purpose of education and violates the trust among faculty and students necessary for intellectual growth and development. Examples of academic misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Abetting: Encouraging or assisting another student to do something wrong
  • Cheating: Acting dishonestly to gain an advantage, such as using unauthorized study materials
  • Plagiarism: Claiming someone else’s ideas, words, data, etc. as your own
  • Fabrication: Presenting falsified work as genuine
  • Misrepresentation: Any act or omission with the intent to deceive

Dishonesty of any kind on examinations, unauthorized possession of examination questions, duplication of examination questions, the use of unauthorized notes during an examination, obtaining information during an examination from another Physician Assistant student, assisting others to cheat, altering grade records, or illegally entering an office are instances of cheating and are violations of appropriate student conduct and professionalism.  Students suspected of violating the Student Code of Conduct for the LMU-Harrogate PA Program will be referred to the Student Progress Committee (SPC) for progression and/or disciplinary action recommendations which may include dismissal from the Program.

Academic Integrity

It is the aim of the faculty of the LMU-Harrogate PA Program to foster a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of integrity. The attempt of any LMU-Harrogate PA Program student to present as his/her own work that he/she has not honestly performed is regarded by the LMU-Harrogate PA Program faculty and administration as a very serious offense and renders the offender liable to severe consequences and possible suspension or dismissal.